At Balboa Dental Surgery, we pride ourselves on making sure our patients are as comfortable and relaxed as possible. This is why we offer sedation dentistry to those who want it. We know that coming in for an appointment can induce anxiety, and we want to help.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is often referred to as laughing gas and can help patients relax when they undergo minor treatments — like those associated with cosmetic dentistry. When you have nitrous oxide, you remain conscious yet feel very calm and sometimes even euphoric. We administer it through your nose, and it wears off as soon as the procedure is done and the small mask is removed

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation consists of taking a pill that will calm and relax you. It is typically for patients who need something a little stronger than nitrous oxide. If this is the option that is best for you, you will need someone to drive you home while the sedation wears off.

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is the strongest form of sedation we offer. It is for patients who suffer from a strong phobia of dental visits or for more intrusive procedures, like some oral surgery procedures. It is administered intravenously, directly into your bloodstream. While you won’t go under like you would with general anesthesia, you will still be extremely relaxed, and you will need someone to drive you home afterwards.

Contact Us To Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

Whether you become anxious when thinking about dental visits or want to learn more about our sedation options, please reach out to us. You can schedule an appointment by calling Balboa Dental Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, at 949-630-0143.