oral pathologyMaintaining good oral health consists of much more than making sure you brush your teeth twice a day and knowing what to do in case of dental emergencies. A major component of it is regularly seeing your dentist or dentist for check-ups and acting quickly if you notice anything amiss in your mouth. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses oral pathology and how it can help us detect diseases that affect your mouth.

What Is Oral Pathology?

It is the study of the nature, identification, and management of diseases that affect the interior areas of your mouth. There are a wide array of issues that can affect this area, and many of them share common symptoms, including abrasions, persistent sores, bleeding, discolored patches of oral tissue, and changes in bone structure. Overall, oral pathology assesses any abnormal conditions found in your mouth. 

We Can Help Identify Oral Cancer

One of the primary conditions oral pathology deals with is oral cancer. When you visit us, we take a comprehensive look at your mouth to see if there are any signs of this disease. As mentioned above, we look for abnormalities in your oral tissue. If we do find any of the common symptoms, we will then suggest a biopsy to find out if cancer is, in fact present. This procedure consists of taking a small tissue sample from your mouth and sending it to a lab where a specialist looks to see if there are any diseases. If it comes back negative, we will continue to stay vigilant for any future developments. If it comes back positive, we will discuss the best course of action to meet your specific needs. 

This Disease Can Affect Anyone

Even if you are young and in good health, oral cancer can still develop. While certain behaviors — like consuming tobacco or excessive drinking — can influence its presence, healthy individuals are still at risk. This is precisely why it is important to regularly undergo screenings at your dentist’s or dentist’s office. Overall, you need to remain vigilant and aware of the condition of your mouth in order to prevent any potential issues from growing. That said, we are here to help you at every step along the way.

Contact Us to Learn More About Oral Pathology

We know that it is easy to think of your oral health as just consisting of maintaining good hygiene and a bright smile, but it is so much more than that. Keeping all of this in mind may seem overwhelming, but we are committed to helping you stay as healthy as possible. If you have any questions about oral pathology or would like to schedule an appointment, please call Balboa Dental Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, today at 949-630-0143. We look forward to hearing from you.