bruxismTeeth grinding is a common ailment for many. It frequently occurs while they are sleeping, which makes it difficult to identify. Many people do not know they are even doing it until they start to notice damage to their teeth. While there can be several factors that cause grinding — also known as bruxism — environmental ones are particularly common. Stress and anxiety are often linked to nocturnal bruxism. Moreover, recent studies have been looking into the ways that grinding can cause TMJ disorder, which is the misalignment of jaw joints. In today’s blog your Newport Beach, CA dentist discusses the ways that bruxism and TMJ disorder are linked.

The TMJ Disorder Connection

TMJ Disorder occurs when the joints connecting the jaw to the skull become misaligned. This can cause painful headaches, a sore jaw, and even pain in the shoulders and back. It can be caused by bruxism but it can also cause teeth grinding, as well. While this connection has been known for a while, a study from the Medical University of Vienna discusses more nuance to their link. Bruxism is more likely to cause TMJ disorder when one’s teeth are flatter. This causes more pressure to be placed on the joint, which promotes misalignment. Conversely, a steeper angle of inclination means there is less pressure, despite a similar bite force, there is a lower load on the joint. 

Similar Treatments For Both Disorders

While both TMJ and Bruxism can cause a lot of stress and pain, there are solutions. In fact, the treatments for both are very similar. If you are diagnosed with either disorder — or both of them — we will craft a custom-made nightguard for you to wear while you are asleep. In the case of TMJ disorder, this mouthguard will put your jaw into its proper position to alleviate undue pressure on your jaw joints. 

In the case of bruxism, the mouthpiece will prevent you from grinding your teeth together as you sleep. No matter which one you need, the fact that we craft it with your unique situation helps ensure that it is comfortable and that you will become accustomed to sleeping with it rapidly. It is important to act quickly in the case of either disorder; when you remain untreated, you run the risk of more damage occurring. This could necessitate needing more serious cosmetic procedures to fix any damage incurred. 

Contact Us To Learn More About Teeth Grinding

If you suffer from either bruxism or TMJ disorder, it is essential that you seek help as soon as possible. It is always preferable to treat issues early — before they evolve and cause more damage. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call Balboa Dental Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, today at 949-630-0143.