newport beach oral pathology

Oral pathologies refer to issues that develop in the soft tissues of your smile, which could include oral cancer. Our team knows how to address these issues and help preserve the health of your smile. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, oral surgeon talks about addressing oral pathologies at the first sign of trouble.

Common Examples of Trouble

Oral pathology means diagnosing and addressing concerns that form in the interior of your mouth, which can encompass a wide variety of different diseases and other concerns. Often, these mean changes that occur in your mouth, such as abrasions or sores that don’t heal after a week or two, discoloration in the interior tissues, unexplained bleeding, or changes to your bone structure. When concerns like these develop, we want to hear from you right away so we can offer treatment.

Oral Cancer

One common concern is oral cancer, a widespread issue that is diagnosed in over 53,000 smiles each year according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. People may experience the discomfort and changes we discussed above, along with unexplained weight loss, changes to your voice, or sore throats or hoarseness that doesn’t subside after a week or two. The reason the issue has such a high mortality rate is because it is rarely caught in the early stages. But with a screening at the first sign of trouble we can offer an early diagnosis and increase the chances of a recovery.

Conducting a Biopsy

When we examine your smile and find areas of soft tissues that appear potentially cancerous or precancerous, then we want to make sure by conducting a biopsy. The procedure involves our team gathering a small tissue sample from the area and then sending this to a lab, where a pathologist or a specialized technician will carefully examine it to diagnose the presence of disease. If the result is negative, we will keep an eye on the area in follow-up visits. If the test is positive, we will discuss treatment plans that are personalized for you. Remember, the soon we address symptoms the more likely a full recovery will be!

If you have any questions about how we handle oral pathology, or if you have symptoms that need attention, then contact our team today to learn more. We look forward to seeing you and conducting an exam and if necessary, a biopsy. Don’t ignore changes to your smile, let us know right away!

Talk To Balboa Dental Surgery About Oral Pathology

Our team wants to help you maintain strong and healthy smiles with regular screenings and examinations should you notice changes to your smile. To learn more about safeguarding your smile or to schedule your appointment, contact your Newport Beach, CA oral surgeon at (949) 630-0143!