When you have a disorder like bruxism, this means you grind and clench your teeth nightly and this could damage your teeth and leave them vulnerable to serious oral health problems. But our team can offer a convenient way to manage bruxism and protect your smile. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist talks about preventing bruxism-related damage with a night guard.
Bruxism and Damaged Teeth
We could grind our teeth nightly due to issues like high stress levels, or factors that upset bite balance, like misalignment, tooth loss, injury, or even issues with the growth of the jaw or the eruption of the teeth. Over time, the pressure from grinding and clenching your teeth could wear down enamel or even crack or chip a tooth. The damage not only changes the appearance of your smile, but could allow tooth decay and dental infection to develop, causing major discomfort in your smile. Don’t let this impact your smile’s stability, talk to us at the first signs of trouble.
Warning Signs of Trouble
How do you know if you grind your teeth? For some, a significant other can alert them to teeth grinding. But there are also symptoms that occur during waking hours, such as pain in the face, jaw, and neck. There could be headaches and migraines, as well as tooth sensitivity and toothaches. Don’t ignore permanent pain in your smile, talk to our team. We will conduct a detailed diagnosis with advanced imaging technology to assess the wear and friction of your teeth and choose the best option to ease your bruxism. For some, this could involve repairing teeth with a crown or bonding, orthodontics to correct misalignment, or even a dental prosthetic to address missing teeth. But for many, we can offer relief with a custom night guard.
Creating Your Custom Night Guards
Our team will take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles, and then combine them to create a 3D impression that allows us to design and custom-fit an oral appliance. The night guard is worn as you sleep and once in place, this will help shift the balance of your bite to ease the underlying factors behind your teeth grinding. The appliance also places a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to prevent further damage to your smile.
If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat teeth grinding, then contact our team today.
Talk To Balboa Dental Surgery About Custom Oral Appliances
Our team wants to safeguard your smile against damage due to untreated teeth grinding. To learn more about how our team will treat bruxism, or to schedule your appointment, contact your Newport Beach, CA oral surgeon at (949) 630-0143!
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