When you have an injury to your teeth or mouth, it can be difficult to navigate receiving care while experiencing pain. Because these events are generally unexpected, quickly responding to your dental injury is much easier when you have a plan in place. This can lead to desirable relief of your symptoms and the prevention of your condition from becoming worse. Recovering from your condition allows you to focus on placing a restoration that returns the full function and appearance of your healthy smile.
At your Newport Beach, CA, dentist’s office, we know that an injury to your mouth can happen at any time of day. This is why we are standing by to treat your dental emergency whenever you need our help. When you come to our practice, we can quickly evaluate the extent of your damage and provide a treatment to ease your pain.
Responding To Your Dental Emergency
Deciding if your injury requires emergency care requires evaluating the degree of your pain and damage to your mouth. Certain concerns like minor cavities can be treated at a general appointment with your dentist, but you should not wait for injuries that are more severe. If you believe your condition to be life-threatening or experience bleeding that will not stop, call 911 or head immediately to your nearest emergency room. After receiving ER care, you may then organize a meeting with your dentist.
Contact the team at Balboa Dental Surgery any time of day to receive care for your dental injury. When outside of standard business hours, leave a message detailing the extent of your injury and we will call you back as soon as possible. When you have scheduled your appointment, prepare for your visit by caring for your pain in the interim.
Chipped Or Broken Tooth
When you chip or break a tooth, use warm water to clean your mouth and clear blood. You can apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and treat your pain. Store any loose pieces of tooth in a jar of milk or saltwater bath to take to your emergency visit. Do not worry if you cannot locate broken pieces, as we will repair your tooth with or without the original material.
Knocked-Out Tooth
When an injury knocks out one of your teeth, rinse it with water to clear debris and try to place it back in its socket. If it will not hold, store the tooth in milk or a saltwater bath for carrying to our office. Make sure to not touch the roots, but instead, handle it by its crown to preserve its health.
Talk To Your Newport Beach, CA Dentist About Emergency Dentistry
Your dentist is your partner when it comes to treating dental emergencies. To find out more about how we treat these conditions, contact Dr. Hofkes at Balboa Dental Surgery at (949) 630-0143 to discuss care today.
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