dental implant concept

Adjusting to losing one of your teeth can be rather difficult. Not only does the gap in your smile take a toll on your appearance, but simple everyday activities become not so simple to complete. You may find certain foods injure your open socket, and articulating speech can become hard as well. Fortunately, a dental implant can return the appearance of a natural tooth while restoring your bite. In combination with restorations such as dental crowns and fixed bridges, an implant post provides critical permanent support within your jaw.

At your Newport Beach, CA dental practice, we would like you to know that options are available to restore your missing tooth. You need not feel overwhelmed as we can provide a lifelike replacement in a handful of visits to our office. Enjoy your full smile once again with the aid of a new tooth!

Mimicking A Tooth’s Root

When replacing your missing tooth, a dental implant functions very similarly to your lost root. To determine if you are a candidate for this procedure, we first inspect the health of your jaw to decide if it can receive your new prosthetic. We will take digital X-rays of the bone to measure its density and plan the installation process. If your jawbone has deteriorated beyond being healthy enough, we could perform a bone graft to build it back up.

After photographing your jaw, we create a computerized model that assists us in placing your new post into the bone. The biocompatibility of the prosthetic allows your oral tissues to fuse with it as you heal over the coming weeks. Once you have recovered from the initial procedure, you will return to our office to receive an above-the-gum restoration.

Attaching Your Dental Crown

When replacing a single tooth, we suggest placing a dental crown upon an abutment attached to the end of your implant post. Made of modern dental ceramics, we design your new crown to match the shade of your natural surrounding teeth. Careful measurements allow it to fit comfortably within your smile and function as a normal tooth. Your prosthetic’s strength allows it to withstand the full force of your bite. Crucially, in combination with your post, your new tooth maintains the density of your jaw by transferring this force into the bone. Stimulating the nerves of your jaw signals your brain to provide nutrients for the ongoing support of your bone health.

Speak With Your Newport Beach, CA Dentist About Replacing Your Missing Teeth

You have multiple options when it comes to replacing a missing tooth. A dental implant can provide unique support to stimulate your jawbone with the lifelike appearance of a natural tooth. To learn more about recovering your smile, contact your Newport Beach, CA dentist’s office at (949) 630-0143 to discuss care today.