newport beach gum grafts

When you have a more severe case of periodontal disease, this could eventually cause the tissues to recede and may even weaken underlying bone structure. To correct the issue and protect your smile from major complications, you may need a grafting procedure. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, oral surgeon talks about gum grafts.

The Impact of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease will grow in severity with time, eventually leading to the periodontitis stage, a major cause of adult tooth loss. But as it grows in severity, this can cause the tissues to pull away from the teeth. The recession then exposes sensitive root structure, so your teeth appear longer and you are more likely to develop tooth decay and dental infection. As we mentioned before, the risk of tooth loss will increase as well. Which is why in addition to managing the disease with advanced treatment options, we want to offer a procedure to reshape the gum line and cover these exposed portions of your teeth.

The Gum Grafting Process

Our team will examine your smile with advanced imagery so we can plan the procedure in detail. To ensure your comfort, we can administer a local anesthetic and even dental sedation, so you feel calm and relaxed the entire time. Our team then takes tissues from other parts of your mouth and uses it to cover the exposed roots of your teeth. Doing so helps correct the appearance of your smile and protects the teeth from sensitivity and decay, and the underlying bone structure from becoming weak. You will be able to smile with confidence afterward, and we will provide detailed instructions and prescriptions to facilitate a complication-free healing period, in which you return to your normal routine in a few days. We will remove any sutures in a follow-up visit as well.

Improving Your Periodontal Health

Our team will also discuss ways to improve your overall oral health and combat the disease. You should see your general dentist every three to four months for a dental cleaning, so harmful plaque and tartar buildup can be removed to prevent recession and other symptoms. At home, you should brush and floss daily, and cut back on the sugar and starch in your diet. We also suggest avoiding tobacco products too. If you have any questions about how we improve your smile with gum grafts, or if you have symptoms of periodontal disease, then contact our team today.

Talk To Balboa Dental Surgery About Protecting Your Smile

We want to help you enjoy a smile that looks good and protects you from the risk of tooth loss! To learn more about improving your periodontal health or to schedule your appointment, contact your Newport Beach, CA oral surgeon at (949) 630-0143!