newport beach teeth whitening

When you have embarrassing teeth stains, we can help! Our team offers cosmetic dentistry to tackle the esthetic concerns you have, including discoloration. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist talks about how we brighten smiles by several shades with professional teeth whitening!

The Causes of Your Teeth Stains

First, we will look at the causes and assess the severity of your teeth stains. For some, dental discoloration could be caused by issues like plaque buildup, which itself is the result of poor brushing and flossing, and a diet high in sugar. You could have discoloration caused by drinks with dark pigments too, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and soda. If you use tobacco products, this could discolor your smile too. Understanding the causes means you can make positive changes to your oral health routine to keep your teeth brighter for longer!

Professional Teeth Whitening

We have a system that can break up and remove discoloration in only a short period of time. When you arrive at our office, we will place a protective covering on your lips and gums, and apply a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. We then activate the gel with a light, which breaks up the stains and helps brighten the teeth. We can repeat the process as needed, and this could brighten your smile by several shades in as little as one or two hours. If you have permanent teeth stains, the intrinsic discoloration that may not respond well to traditional whitening treatments, we could instead mask the stains with dental bonding or our custom porcelain veneers. Regardless of the cause or severity of your stains, we can help you enjoy brighter smiles!

Keep Your Smile Bright

What can be done to help these results last and keep your smile bright? We may suggest improving how you brush and floss each day, so you can remove particles of sugar and starch before they provide meals for plaque-causing bacteria. Drinking more water and cutting back on drinks with dark pigments is helpful too. Be sure you see your general dentist for a dental cleaning, so we can remove plaque and tartar and then polish your smile for a brighter appearance and better oral health.

If you have any questions about how we brighten smiles with cosmetic dentistry, or if you want to try teeth whitening, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile without hesitation.

Talk To Balboa Dental Surgery About Cosmetic Dentistry

We want to help you enjoy a bright smile with professional cosmetic treatment options. To learn more about how we remove dental discoloration, or to schedule your appointment, contact your Newport Beach, CA oral surgeon at (949) 630-0143!