One of the hardest things for patients with oral health struggles can be uncertainty. Every time that you bite down, you may have serious concerns as to whether the structures of your mouth will continue to hold up. This can be a terrible way to live, the issue nags at you throughout the day. It can be hard to keep up with your normal life when you are constantly concerned about the possibility of the failure of a tooth.
That is why one of the biggest advancements of the last century has been the use of titanium posts to create secure foundations for new dental prosthetics. This metal has a unique property that allows it to fuse with our bone without an immune system response. Our bodies actually care for the foreign object as if it were our own natural matter. Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains how you can finally find some peace of mind with your new implant prosthetic!
The Process Of Osseointegration
The key to the dental implant surgery process lies in the use of titanium posts. This incredibly strong metal has unique properties that make it a perfect fit. Our immune system not only ignores this foreign object, but actually begins to protect it just like it would your own natural biological bone.
This process has also been used in the development of prosthetic limbs, and a new sense has even occurred! This is similar to touch, but the bone receives vibrations from within, instead of from the outward skin. Osseointegration provides an amazing amount of stability to our smiles, leaving a permanent post. If you damage your prosthetic, we can replace that without adding more trauma to your jaw!
Versatility To Your Enhancement
One of the best aspects of dental implant surgery is its ability to help in any situation. Our prosthodontic care can create a solution for you that may be able to address future loss. Compare this to a dental bridge replacement, which places more stress on the surrounding structures. Like placing an extra pole in a tent, this can bring new stability to your smile!
The advancements in this technology are allowing for a brighter smile future, as well. New developments in 3D printing and computer-aided design are bringing better teeth than we have ever seen before. Since this relies upon the sturdiness of the post, you will be able to accept the benefits of new technology as it comes out!
Call Today To Learn More!
If you are in need of a tooth replacement, there is nothing that can beat a dental implant on a threaded titanium post! Please give Dr. Hofkes at Balboa Dental Surgery a call at (949)630-0143. Or stop by our office here in Newport Beach, CA!
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