When Do You Need A Dental Bridge?

dental bridgeWhen you are missing a tooth, it is essential to fill the space as soon as possible. While there are clear aesthetic benefits, replacing the tooth can also help maintain the health of your jawbone and mouth in general. There are numerous replacement options available and each one is used in specific situations. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses dental bridges, and how you can know when these will be the best option for you. (more…)

When To Replace Your Toothbrush

replacing your toothbrushWhile we focus our efforts on providing oral surgery, we intrinsically understand that practicing good day-to-day habits is paramount. While not every serious situation can be avoided through regular preventative care efforts, they can certainly improve the chances of not needing more invasive procedures. With this in mind, an often overlooked component of regular oral hygiene is monitoring and replacing your toothbrush when necessary. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist talks about the signs and times that indicate you need a new one. (more…)

Be Careful With Sports Drinks

sports drinkWe previously discussed the harm that soft drinks can do to your teeth. Of course, you have likely known that these beverages can wreak havoc on your smile. However, sports drinks can cause similar — if not more — damage, as well. While the drinks themselves aren’t necessarily worse for you, their image, thanks to marketing, seems as if they provide healthy refueling benefits. Sure, they do provide some benefit for the active among us, but they can also cause quite a bit of harm. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses the negative aspects of sports drinks, and why you need to monitor your consumption of them. (more…)

Who Benefits From Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation DentistryWe get it: anxiety about going to the dentist or dentist is very real and prevalent. Many patients are nervous about the experience, and the last thing we want is for this fear to get in the way of keeping up with their needed oral care. Because we always put the comfort of our patients first, we are pleased to offer dental sedation to those who want and need it. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses the situations that necessitate sedation and the different kinds we offer. (more…)

Understanding Oral Pathology

oral pathologyAt Balboa Dental Surgery, we do much more than oral surgery and extractions. We believe that maintaining good oral health is essential to your overall well-being. Because of this, we are dedicated to oral pathology — the study and treatment of the diseases that can affect the interior areas of your mouth. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses this field and the ways we can identify and treat the diseases that can harm your mouth.  (more…)

What Happens After An Extraction?

dental implantIf you need a tooth — or several — you’re probably wondering about what’s going to fill in the gap. After all, you probably don’t want to traverse through your life with an empty space that was once occupied by a tooth. Luckily, there are several options that can provide a prosthetic tooth, also known as a pontic, that offer both aesthetic and health benefits. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist talks about what happens after you have an extraction and the importance of replacing a missing tooth. (more…)

Brighten Your Smile In The New Year

new yearsAs 2021 comes to a close we have a brand new year to look forward to. While the last year has had many ups and downs, it is important to approach 2022 with optimism and joy. One of the best ways to ensure the new year kicks off the right way is to feel confident in yourself and how you look. Many of us wish we could alter the look of our teeth, and doing so is easier than you might think. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses the ways we can help you whiten your smile and assist you in feeling confident in the look of your teeth. (more…)

Best And Worst Foods For Your Smile

Best and worst foodsIn our last blog, we talked about the harm that soft drinks can cause to your teeth. On the flip side, there are a number of foods that can help ensure your smile stays as healthy as possible. As can be expected there are also numerous ones that can hurt your teeth and the overall health of your mouth. While we by no means want to police what you eat and drink, it is helpful for you to know the impacts of what you are consuming, so you can make informed decisions. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses some of the best and worst foods for your smile. (more…)

Soft Drinks And Tooth Decay

soda decaySince childhood, many of us have heard about the potential dangers of drinking soda. Like with most things, moderation is key when it comes to consuming soft drinks. For those who drink them excessively, the risk of severe tooth decay is strong. In some cases, the decay can be so severe that soda drinkers might need cosmetic or restorative procedures — like dental crowns — to fix the damage. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist talks about the potential dangers of excessive soda drinking and the procedures we offer that can help remedy the damage. (more…)

When A Dental Crown Is Necessary

dental crownWhether you suffer from decay or have had your teeth injured in some way, you need to address damage as soon as possible. As with most issues that affect your smile, delaying treatment can lead to more serious problems developing. If your teeth have suffered some sort of trauma, one of the most common procedures to treat them is with a dental crown. In today’s blog, your Newport Beach, CA, dentist discusses dental crowns and the benefits they can provide. (more…)