Emergency Dental Care Dos And Don’ts

Emergency NPBCAEmergency situations happen, it is a simple fact of life. While protecting your smile is always important, you also need to know what to do in the case of a broken or missing tooth. Time is of the essence in these situations; and if you treat your biological material improperly, you could further harm it or make it unlikely to be able to be reattached.

For these reasons, you should familiarize yourself with what to do in this event. So that when the time comes, hopefully enough information has stuck with you that you are able to make proper decisions. Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains some of the things you will need in order to restore your smile quickly. But also, those things that can make your situation worse! (more…)

Doing Damage Without Even Knowing?

Sleep NPBCAIf you are experiencing persistent headaches, it may not just be the stress from work. You may be grinding or gnashing your teeth while you sleep! This condition, known as bruxism, can be seriously damaging to your smile. It can wear down the individual dental structures, and also can reshape your alignment due to the repetitive movement.

The action can be incredibly forceful, enough sometimes to even crack or break enamel. Patients may also notice a flattening or the shortening of teeth due to the wearing down from friction. Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains how a simple night guard may be able to prevent this sort of damage before it even occurs. Preventive care almost always winds up with superior results! (more…)

Osseointegration and Implants

Implant NPBCAThe process known as osseonintegration is fascinating, and it is a field that has many uses. This action involves your bone matter fusing and growing with titanium, as if the metal were your own biological material. Doctors use this for the advancement of prosthetics, and its use in limbs has truly furthered our abilities in replacement.

It also has allowed for sturdy, stable posts for dental implants. The titanium grows alongside the jaw, forming a solid base to connect to a functioning prosthetic tooth. The first of its kind was performed in 1965, and 40 years later when the patient passed, was still operating well!

Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains how this discovery has made the development of new dental procedures possible. And how you might take advantage of new insight in planning and crafting your dream smile!


Pearly White After Labor Day

Busy NPBCANow that the summer is winding down, you might be noticing some issues with your smile as the excitement wears off. Or maybe you have a little more time now that the kids are back in school and you want to address some things that you have been putting off.

Whatever the instance, now is a perfect time for our same-day whitening procedure. We gently lift years of discoloration through UV technology, always keeping your utmost health in mind. Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains how this may benefit you. And we will walk you through our simple process the whole way! (more…)

Avoid Baby Bottle Tooth Decay!

Baby NPBCAFor many parents, baby teeth can be seen as somewhat replaceable, as they’re designed for a temporary period of time. But they are just as, if not more, susceptible to tooth decay. It is very important to try to keep their mouths as healthy as you can, and this first set helps the adult ones come in correctly.

Children are also still prone to infections within their mouths, as well. And even children who are old enough to brush may find ways to avoid the unpleasantness, sometimes in remarkably crafty ways! Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist explains this phenomenon and some common causes. Also, some ways to help avoid it and keep your child’s smile safe! (more…)

Tooth Sensitivity, Under Your Control

Mustache NPBCATooth sensitivity is a very common condition, and can also be caused by a few different factors. It is important to note the times when you have an event in order to see if you can isolate a cause. It is cold that is giving you issues? Sugar? Or are you experiencing this over a broader aread of the mouth for a longer time?

Knowing your symptoms can do a lot in helping remedy dentin sensitivity. Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist tries to help you keep track of your condition!


Keep Your Gums Strong!

Happy NPBCAWe don’t think about it often, but our mouth is an incredibly vulnerable place. Our bodies are constantly fighting off infection from exposure to the air. And since we are constantly using our mouths for talking or eating, that exposure exists throughout the day, and into when you sleep.

The food we eat itself is full of damaging materials too, with its own set of bacteria. And the sugars we consume leave remnants on our teeth, leading to bacterial growth and later tooth decay. This can also lead to periodontal disease, or the infection of the gum tissue.

Our gums provide a very strong barrier of support for your mouth, covering the roots of the teeth and limiting the contact between our circulatory system and the outside world. So today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist stresses the need to maintain a healthy gumline. And if you have noticed recession, what you tell your oral health provider at your next visit to the office! (more…)

Don’t Wait To Treat Wisdom Tooth Pain

Teen NPBCAThe possibility of oral surgery can be anxiety-inducing in all of us, and when you’re a teenager, you might not know the necessity of having your wisdom teeth monitored as they grow. But these can cause serious problems, and often need to be removed in order to give you the brightest and healthiest smile available to you.

And in the time they are growing, they can be doing damage to your mouth. The longer that you wait, the more possibility for harm. So today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist presses the need to pay attention to your wisdom tooth development, and why seeing a trained oral health professional can save you a lot of worry in the long-run.


Making Implants Simple

Jump NPBCAOften, people can get overwhelmed at the prospect of having a tooth replaced with a dental implant. This can only be magnified for those individuals needing multiple replacement prosthetics. And so many people ignore their problem because they feel the short-term hassle is worth the long-term solution.

Well, implants have never been more affordable and accessible, and you don’t need to worry any longer! Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist speaks to you a bit about how this technology came to be, and why now is a great time to schedule your smile’s improvement! (more…)

Surgeries Can Work In Tandem

Surgery NPBCAThere are some times when different aspects of oral health come together, forcing us to perform two seemingly different procedures together. Sometimes that means a simultaneous situation. In other instances, we need to achieve a certain goal before we can proceed with the next step. This can be because of stability concerns or a bacterial infection, or many other issues that could pose a risk to your mouth.

Today, your Newport Beach, CA dentist speaks to you about some instances that we may need to do multiple things in order to correct one situation. And how these may drastically benefit your smile! (more…)